Thursday, April 5, 2012

Monitor Yourselves!

Sorry for such a delay--times been hectic. So as I love becoming more and more busy to the point where I over book my free time slots, and I write into a planner when I can take naps, I have realized something. I probably will get a job when I graduate. Not just any job, but one that I want.

I am the busiest girl at the moment, but yet, here I am on Facebook. Why? To lurk! Not just to lurk on anyone, but to find people I am interviewing for a program I am involved with. Just doing some research.

I like to think of it as professional stalking or lurking. So, here is a new tip, for all you job seekers out there, “Don’t be a hypocrite.”

Everyone has facebook or twitter so doesn’t lie and say all you have is linkedIn. I get it, LinkedIn is professional,, so I totally recommend it, however,, also mine. Note the URLs. LinkedIn says nothing about my name, Sgonz10= my own doing. I signed up for that one.

These two sites are purposely for Different content. We went over this in my first post. But Facebook says more about you, which is why some of these kids I’m interviewing are getting straight, flat out Rejections.

If you are going to tell me on an application that you are the coolest kid/ such a leader because you lost a billion pounds, Fantastic.  Very nice that you value your health and embraced the servant leadership of helping others deal with difficult self situations; however don’t tweet about how “fat girls shouldn’t wear leggings.”

Do not delete your accounts, just monitor them. Everyone has them, so it would look strange if you didn’t. By strange, I mean suspicious, and suspicious and untrustworthy will Not get you a job. It’s called privacy settings and self filtration.

There are two people I lurk on the regular basis. They are actually the role models of what not to do, and have inspired this blog of mine. One of the two will help me demonstrate Self-Filteration:

Filtered: “Wow I wish I won the lottery” “Wow I wish I could have some kind of relationship with the lottery winner”

Unfiltered (realty):

What is worse? The fact that this was made or 48 people liked it? Hmm.
Professional Lurkers are out there, and they are lurking. You would be surprised. In a recent, mini, baby study…aka I was talking to an adviser, I—out of curiosity—asked “so do you look at Facebook when searching for employees” and he said “yes.” I have adopted privacy settings. 


  1. It's unfortunate that not many people clean up after themselves on the internet; once something is put on the internet, it is out of the original owner's hands. This can result in things from years ago (e.g. Michael Phelps' bong picture) resurfacing and being found by a boss, family member, friend, and/or significant other. Good on you for keeping your head up.

  2. Too true. People need to better utilize the privacy settings that are available to them. And also monitor who their friends with. Maybe being friends with your boss or allowing the public to see your facebook is not the smartest idea. Perhaps block your facebook so it can be only seen by friends and make sure you do not friend your boss, as your relationship with them should be only professional.

  3. I think that many people, especially college students, do not realize who can see your tagged pictures or what they write on Facebook and how it will effect them in the future. I think people need to be reminded and it is great that you are reminding others!!! I will definitely be cleaning up my Facebook now.
