Profile Picture of the Week

Here is where I actually EXPLAIN these Profile Pictures!

Week 2:
Here are some examples...or slightly modified examples of the Instagramed Profile Picture. Everything looks better Instagramed...False. 
A. You don't know how to use photoshop
B. You do not look cute without picture filters
C. You take excessive amounts of Solo Shots.
D. Shows the Evolution o Picnicked photos... RIP Picnic

Examples (with added Facebook captions):
"Bored in school... Entertainment please? :)"


I'm domesticated! (almost)
Jersey Girls!

Week 1:
Here is a fantastic (and personal) version of "Just the lips down." This is a personal favorite because at one point the top of my face was not cute either. If this is your profile picture you are trying to:
 A. hide something on the top of your face
 B. be sexy and failing
 C. show off your chest
 D. All of the Above.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B (Note the Added Photoshopped Bonus)