Monday, March 19, 2012

Rule #1

Hello Again!

Post #1= Rule #1. What would *name* say?

My family stalks (or lurks, creeps, follows, or politely often views) my facebook. Everything on there, they can see. Sure there are privacy settings to hide certain things. Honestly, I hid certain things from everyone... but at the same time, I still follow the rule: What would *mom* say?
This is how it works.

The rule changes for everyone. Some people think Dad would say something, or Aunt Betsy, or Random Neighbor, or even hot guy at night class. Before you post something, whether a picture or a status think who will be reading it/ looking at it.

Also, there are different reactions. Two are obvious. There is the laughing reaction, where your post just makes you look like an idiot, and The horrified reaction where your family just finds out what you actually do with your spare time. Other reactions seriously depend on your post.

For example. "What would the creeper in that same night class say" Do not post things that could potentially attract the wrong kind of response. Things could go either way. You could upset your mom or attract the lurkers.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Welcome readers!

So there are billions of social media on the internet, blogging being one of them!

So here is the scoop. I went on three job interviews and had my resume in hand. On that list of wonderful accomplishments, I realized I had a refined version of a Facebook page in my hand. It had on there activities, work experiences, my name... it is the same thing in a way.

Except, when one thinks of resumes they think of something like this.

Pretty! Remember these faces.

Right? The sophisticated interview type people use resumes, and facebook users look like this.

Why are these pictures so drastic? Only few people read those resumes with your greatest achievements, but everyone can see what you post online. Is this how we want to portray ourselves? 

The internet is the greatest medium to portray yourself as yourself since there are billions of readers. Are you a duck lipped, peace loving, mustached creep? I'm going to guess no...well except for the peace loving ;)

Either way, Social Media gives you a chance to show who you are outside of a formal setting. You can show how creative, smart, blah blah blah you are, so do that. Do not post dumb things. This blog is about people who post dumb things. Don't do that, show off your intelligence. 

You are your own marketeer, and you need to do it well since only you truly know your goals and motives.